KESKO: Ülevaade
- Kesko kontserni müügitulu FY22 Kokku €11,8 miljardit, millest…
- toidupoed 6,1mld (51,7% kontserni müügitulust)
- ehitus- ja tehnilised kaubad 4,8mld (40,7%)
- sõidukite valdkond 0,91mld (7,7%), millest…
- uued ja kasutatud sõidukid 720mln (6,1%)
- sõidukite järelturu teenuste osa 191mln eur (1,6%)
[ehk 21% sõidukite valdkonna müügist].- millest omakorda on osa EV laadimisjaamade äri “K-Lataus” (müügitulu ei ole teada. 1000 laadmimispunkti, mis paiknevad 200 Kesko kontserni erineva kaupluse ja esinduse territooriumil)
Sõidukite järelturu teenuste segment on eraldiseisvana muljetavaldavalt suur (191mln) aga kontsernisiseselt väga väike. Arusaadav, miks see sõidukite järelturu toodete ja teenuste screenerisse sisse ei ole jooksnud. Ühtlasi ei ole nende aruanne sõidukite valdkonnas eriline lugemine.
Sõidukite valdkonna tulemused (suremalt nägemiseks, klikka pildil):
Omandamiste ajajoon:
KESKO: Sõidukite valdkonna kommentaarid FY22 aasta aruandest [väljaspool segmendi selgitusi lk 36-40]
- We announced we will continue to implement our growth strategy by investing over €300 million to build a new 82,000 square-metre logistics centre for Onninen and K-Auto in Finland. Construction will be completed in between 2025–2030, and the centre will house some 400–500 logistics professionals.
- K-Auto is a leading operator in Finnish car trade. The division’s operations comprise the import and sales of new cars, used car sales, extensive servicing, repairs and other services, and K-Lataus EV charging. K-Auto has over 1.2 million customers, served by over 1,000 professionals. The brands imported and sold by K-Auto are Volkswagen, Audi, SEAT, CUPRA, Porsche and Bentley passenger cars, Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles and MAN trucks in Finland, and SEAT & CUPRA in the Baltics.
- The transformation of our car trade division is proceeding and yielding results. Issues with car availability caused net sales to decrease in 2022, but profitability remained good thanks to better sales margins and continued transformation measures and efficiency improvements. All operations within the division – new cars, used cars, and services – were in profit. The car trade market is changing rapidly. Cars are becoming electric and digitalisation is changing consumer purchase behaviour. To ensure future success, our focus will be – in line with our strategy – on improving customer experiences, strengthening profitability, accelerating digitalisation, and ensuring sustainability, while utilising synergies as part of ‘One unified K’. Today, Kesko’s car trade is No 1 in Finland when it comes to the sales of electric cars and EV charging network.
- In car trade, Kesko aims to offer the best customer experience on the market and to strengthen its market position in both new and used cars and services. The division’s growth strategy is based on a strong partnership with the world’s leading car manufacturer the Volkswagen Group, more extensive utilisation of digitalisation, improved operational efficiency, and growing the sales of used cars and services. Our objective is to improve customer satisfaction and strengthen profitability and market position in all businesses. The sales of electric cars and rechargeable hybrids in particular will continue to grow in upcoming years. We support this trend with our extensive range and by expanding our K-Lataus EV charging network.
- Digitalisation in car trade has taken a large leap forward in recent years. K-Auto aims to be the leader in digital car trade and car-related services. In 2022, K-Auto invested especially in the development of a digital customer management model and increasing the use of AI.
- As the Finnish vehicle stock becomes more modern, networked cars will use new types of charging and maintenance services, and they will also offer services that support driving. K-Auto is a forerunner in the rapidly electrifying world of car purchasing, use and maintenance.
- As with owning a car, managing customer relationships in car trade is a long-term commitment. Customer relationship management is based on data, enabling K-Auto to provide timely service for the situations and needs associated with vehicle ownership and use. Customer care models consist of services and customer interaction, from the buiyng of a car to selling or replacing it. Customer care models and customer satisfaction are improved by using data analytics and customer feedback.
- In car trade 70,000 instances of customer feedback analysed to develop our operations.
KESKO: Annual Report for 2022 [Mar 6, 2023]